Anachar Basbous


" I was born in a field of sculptures."
" Shapes were jutting from the ground like ever-growing trees.
I can still see myself climbing those stone fortresses, those modern towers carved by my father's hands; hiding behind those figures, playing with cousins and friends.
That was my playground..."

Born in 1969, Lebanon. Lives and works in Rachana, Lebanon.

Anachar lives with his wife and two children in Rachana, a village of open-air sculptures overlooking the wide expanse of the Mediterranean Sea. He was born into a family of artists, his father Michel Basbous, was a renowned sculptor in his own right, and his mother a writer and poet. Anachar lived and breathed art and creativity since his birth. He made his ?rst sculpture at the age of 10. Even his name anachar is a play on his birthplace, forever tying him to his magical place.

Anachar finished his studies in beirut; then continued his graduate studies in Paris at the ENSAAMA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et des Métiers d’Art) where he specialized in architectural wall design.

When he returned to Lebanon in 1992, he opened his own sculpture workshop in Rachana where he dedicated himself to stone, wood and metal sculptures, as well as mural sculptures. His works can be found across Lebanon and beyond, in public places, hotels, private residences and gardens.

In 2008, he was commissioned to design a ten meter bronze memorial to commemorate the life and death of Prime Minister Rafic Hariri on the exact spot where the latter was assassinated by an enormous car bomb in Downtown Beirut.

His sculptures appear in many private collections as well as in public places in Lebanon, France, United States, UK, Canada, the United Arab Emirates and beyond.

Selected Exhibitions:

– 2000 Stone sculpture at the Biennale of Chaco Argentina
– 2004 “Salon d’Automne” Sursock Museum Beirut
– 2007 “Salon d’Automne” Sursock Museum Beirut
– 2008 Memorial of Ra?c Hariri in St Georges Beirut
– 2011 Bronze sculpture for the city of Mont-Royal, Montreal Canada
– 2012 Solo exhibition (Beirut exhibition center – Soludere) Downtown Beirut
– 2013 Solo exhibition (Artsawa Gallery) DIFC Dubai
– 2013 Solo exhibition  Art Lounge / Beiteddine Palace Lebanon.
– 2015 Solo exhibition  AGIAL Art Gallery / Beirut Lebanon.
-2016 AGIAL Art Gallery / Art Dubai.
-2016 AGIAL Art Gallery / Abu Dhabi Art fair.
-2017 Grand Palais / Art Capital / Paris France.
-2018 Solo exhibition / Saleh Barakat Gallery / Beirut Lebanon
-2019 AGIAL Art Gallery / Abu Dhabi Art fair
-2021 “Lumieres du Liban” / IMA “Institut du monde arabe” Paris, France.
-2021 ” Between shadows and lights ” Art installation /Art in motion, Ixsir, Lebanon
-2022 Art Dubai / Saleh Barakat Gallery
-2022 Menart Fair / Saleh Barakat Gallery/ Paris, France
-2022 Artcurial Sculptures Monaco / Claude Lemand Gallery/ Paris, France
-2023 Asher Valley / Alula / KSA
-2023 Anima Gallery / Qatar
-2023 Bonhams / Paris, France